
Ask Your Questions

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You can submit your questions anytime by

Open ADA Online Hours

On the fourth Friday of each month, our Board Members will be available to talk with you about your accessibility questions and concerns.

Friday Open ADA Online Hours
Time: 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. [Central Time]
August 23, September 27, October 25, November 22

to Open Hours for ADA Questions
on August 23


The Wisconsin ADA Coordinator’s network shares their own knowledge and experience. Their opinions might differ from their employers’. What they share is not legal advice.


The Wisconsin ADA Coordinators Association is an association to assist Governmental Entities and businesses within our communities regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for the purpose of accessibility and inclusion.  Our organization’s mission is to promote higher professional and ethical standards in the field of ADA Compliance.

We invite you to become a partner and sponsor for the Association.  As business leaders in the community, your involvement with us in creating equal access throughout our communities is an opportunity for your organization to receive exposure and to join other individuals, organizations, and coalitions in our community to embrace inclusion and diversity.

Sponsors and membership are the primary source of funding to help provide the educational assistance needed throughout the State of Wisconsin. You can provide support in the following ways:

  • Becoming an annual Sponsor or Event Supporter through a monetary donation. Your company logo will be placed on materials to promote the event.
  • Donate
  • Participate on any future panel for training/committee.
  • Sponsor or host an event at your facility.
  • Provide information to clients or patrons about the ADA Association.

Beyond your sponsorship, we welcome you to join us at any upcoming future events.

To request a sponsorship form and for more information on sponsorship, please contact:
Rebecca Rabatin